Let's Celebrate Together

Get involved in strengthening bonds of friendship and understanding by participating in our events and activities throughout the year. Some of our casual, social, and cultural events are free and open to the general public, while others require advanced registration with an admission fee.

Members receive access to exclusive invitation-only events and free or discounted admission fees.

Experience the Culture

Join us for two traditional Japanese events organized by the Cultural and Japan Affairs committees. Mark your calendar for the Shinnenkai New Year’s Banquet every January and the Bon Dance Festival every August.


Receive the latest information about our upcoming activities and events!

Join our newsletter or become a member today.

Partner With Us

JAASC is always looking for unique ways to connect our community members with resources. We partner with artists, schools, universities, organizations, museums, and other non-profits to plan Japan-related events.

Please contact us if you’re interested in hosting an event, volunteering, or getting more involved.

If you’re interested in sponsoring one of our events such as the Bon Festival, Shinnenkai, or a seminar, please let us know!

Here’s What’s Coming Up

Events in bold are JAASC-hosted or partnered events. We often list additional regional events that interest our members.

JapanFest Atlanta @ Gas South Convention Center

September 21-22, 2024 

Celebrate 50 years of Japanese presence in Georgia and the Southeast at the annual JapanFest Atlanta! Special feature for 2024, Kabuki! Check out JapanFest Atlanta’s Website for more information.

JAASC Language Table

September 29, 2024   3:00-4:30 PM

Otherlands Brewing
731 Rutherford Rd. Greenville, SC

Join JAASC for our next English-Japanese conversation table at Otherlands. Come practice your conversation skills!

JASNC Networking Seminar – Charlotte, NC

September 26, 2024   4:00 PM-7:00 PM

UNC Charlotte

EV “Battery Belt” – Join JASNC in this networking seminar all about EV and the southeastern “Battery Belt”

Check out our events calendar for more information.

SC Kyudo Renmei Symposium

October 4-6, 2024 

SC Kyudo Renmei is hosting a fall Kyudo symposium on First Principles in Simpsonville.  Open to existing students and guests.

Improve Your Language Skills

JAASC’s Language Table series is open to all English and Japanese learners who want an excellent opportunity to practice listening and speaking skills while building relationships in a friendly, bilingual environment.

Everyone is welcome, but it is best if you have some basic conversational level of English and Japanese.



– Midlands Language Table with Columbia World Affairs Council at Richland County Library October 7 6:30 PM
– OtherLands Greenville, SC Sunday, September 29 3-4:30 PM
– Warehouse at Vaughns Simpsonville, SC Sunday, October 27 3:00-4:30 PM
– TBA  Greenville, SC Monday, November 18 6:30-8:00 PM

Play With Purpose

Do you play golf and want to make a difference in US-Japanese relationships? The Japan Affairs Committee organizes charity golf tournaments throughout the year for our members. Funds and donations from these events support the longevity of the JAASC programs and initiatives.

To get involved, sign up for our newsletter and become a member today!